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www.blackflockgang.com: Rise to Power August 17, 2010

Posted by universalartists in A-Dub, AIDS, BFG, Birmingham Alabama, Black Flock Gang, Charity, Christian Dane, Dem Hardheadz, Dirty South, DJ Funk Daddy, DO, Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, FAM Boy$, Hood Shuttlesworth, Joe Stern, Joe Stern McGovern, Ms Fame, Ms. Kesha Lee, Pediatric AIDS, Poetry, Seattle, Shaka Productions, Stern McGovern, Street Sales, Street Teams, Talent, Uncategorized, UNICEF, United Nations, Universal Artists International, www.blackflockgang.com, www.endhivaids.com, Yung Yo.
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Local Heroes, the Black Flock Gang

Following a year of speculation and anticipation, Joe Stern-McGovern and Shaka Productions of Universal Artists, International (UAI) have unveiled their latest vehicle for public consumption, the official Black Flock Gang site. Heralded widely by fans and critics alike, there can be no doubt that the Black Flock Gang (BFG) is set for a meteoric rise in the hip hop industry, as well as other genres such as pop and alternative, with their stellar if not extraordinary crossover appeal.

BFG: A Potent Force Assembled

How is it Black Flock Gang came to be. In the words of the venerable Hood Shuttlesworth, formerly and yet forever of the FA Money Boyz, Black Flock Gang doesn’t originate from any sense of a bedrock foundation, but is an eclectic mix of different characters, genres, individual and group voices, as well as a flair for the unique showmanship typical of any star or champion. According to Shuttlesworth, “BFG cannot be defined. Its a conglomerate or meeting of many minds, all of which come to form the particular genius which has come to be known as the Black Flock Gang.”

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In spite of Hood Shuttlesworth’s declaration, it can be pointed out that the core members of BFG were blood brothers D.O. and Preach-a-Boi of Birmingham’s wildly popular Dem Hardheadz, and Facts, Mr. Shuttlesworth, and Lo of the FA Money Boyz. Formerly accompanying the two acts, and now official members of the Black Flock Gang, are the unstoppable firebrand, Ms. Fame, also hailing from Birmingham, and Christian Dane, a transplant to Birmingham by way of New York City’s Brooklyn.
Black Flock Gang

BFG: Making a Change in the Fight Against HIV/AIDS

The pure simplicity of the make up, combined with these individuals continual drive towards perfection in their craft, has led to a map of sorts which leads the adventuring enthusiast into the realm of those defined as exceptionally genius. When this conglomeration of talent records, the results are proven hits with widespread appeal. As far as live performance is concerned, no act cares to follow that of the Black Flock Gang for fear of total and utter inadequacy. Indeed, this fear is well grounded, as the act’s showmanship builds to a mind bending crescendo, carrying their audience away from the common grind of life, and into a dimension known to many as Nirvana.

Hood Shuttlesworth: Taking Care of Business

With their two singles, Airplane and Whip It Up, rising up the charts through several recently captured Underground Awards, the hopes for a hip hop dynasty emerging out of Birmingham, Alabama, are given wings of fruition. With the Black Flock Gang’s stamina, determination, and articulation, they shame all challengers, yet welcome one and all to share in the joy and spirit of hip hop with their of own thoughts and voices as a community.
Black Flock Gang

Dem Hardheadz: D.O. and Preach-a-Boi

Yes, the Black Flock Gang is astounding magnificent yet humble, extreme and yet moderate. These qualities all extend themselves to the charitable aspect of the BFG. Black Flock Gang has pledged partial proceeds from the revenue generated to various charitable organizations, particularly the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation to honor the memory of Joe Stern-McGovern’s late son, Kenneth, who lost his battle with the malady in late 2007. According to Universal Artists’ main producer, “The BFG is about more than avarice, arrogance, and the Self. They are here to educate, stimulate, and serve as the vanguard in the march towards charitable causes and an end to HIV/AIDS.” Orders for the singles of the BFG are taken from http://www.blackflockgang.com and finalized at the benevolent site created by Joe Stern-McGovern, http://www.endhivaids.com. Singles start at 99 cents each, while the entire downloadable album of over 40 songs with special host, DJ Funk Daddy of http://www.funkdaddy.com, are for sale at a mere $14.99, a portion of which goes towards our fight against HIV/AIDS. How does the longevity of the Black Flock Gang fare in this vast world of talent and challenge? If one were to heed the message of Dem Hardheadz, they shouldn’t look for an end any time within this generation or the next. According to multiple sources, the BFG is poised to become the greatest band in decades, and perhaps this century. Indeed, the single, Airplane, with its astounding rise in the local charts, secures its place as a classic. With, Whip It Up, the act proves they are no one hit wonders. Look for the expansion of the Black Flock Gang throughout the Deep South, and the proliferating throughout the US and onto what can only be known as a world without borders. Why not help these young heroes today in the continued fight against HIV/AIDS, as its mutually beneficial to all of mankind. Visit http://www.blackflockgang.com now so you can help make a difference. This reporter would personally like to thank the Black Flock Gang for their charity, and look forward to years of their contribution towards community pride, civic minded generosity, and entertainment. Black Flock Gang, they’re starting a movement for today’s children as well as tomorrow’s. They welcome your patronage to their site and look forward to serving you.

Paul Burke, Freelance
Chicago, Illinois